Monday, November 30, 2015

Project Based Learning (PBL)

PBL for DECEMBER -DNA Extraction Kit

  • References: Only use Websites ending in .gov, .edu , .net , .org. references ending in .com will not be allowed for your research.
  • DO NOT USE, this is the only .org website you are not allowed to use. 
  • Minimum 6 references.
 PBL LAUNCHThis assignment will be due on December 15, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Ch. 8 DNA and Protein Synthesis

Chapter 8 DNA and Protein Synthesis

Due 11/19
300 word essay (typed or written) explaining if you agree or disagree with  Watson and Crick receiving the Noble Peace Prize.
View, take notes, & Answer the questions
Secret of Photo 51

Section 8.1
Griffith Experiment

Hershey-Chase Experiment

Section 8.2

DNA is made up of 3 structures (phosphate, 5 carbon sugar, nitrogenous base)

Watson and Crick Model

Base Pairing Rules
Each base held to the other by Hydrogen Bonds

Section 3: DNA Replication

Question on STAAR


Section 4 & 5 

Transcription (in the nucleus using DNA template)

DNA to Proteins

Translation (in the cytoplasm using ribosomes)


Using the Codon Chart....

Monday, November 9, 2015

Ch. 6

Chapter 6

Section 1: Chromosomes & Meiosis

Your body produces 2 types of cells....

1. Germ Cells aka Sex Cells aka Gametes

2. Somatic Cells aka body cells (all other cells in your body)

The number of chromosomes varies within species....

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell (46 chromosomes total)

Fruit flies have 4 pairs of chromosomes in each cell (8 chromosomes total)
Dogs have 39 pairs in each cell
Cats have 19 pairs...

No matter what species you have each chromosome has its pair (the same size and copies of the same genes)

These two pairs of chromosomes are called HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES

The EXCEPTIONS are the Sex Chromosomes... 

Fertilization happens when an egg (having 23 chromosomes, Haploid cell) combines with the sperm (having 23 chromosomes, Haploid cell) forming a DIPLOID CELL

Haploid Vs Diploid

Syndromes of Sex Linked Chromosomes

Turner Syndrome


Klinefelter Syndrome

Extra Y Chromosome

Some More Info

What about Down Syndrome

 Are Men Going Extinct?

Mitosis vs Meiosis
DIFFERENCES: Meiosis has 2 Divisions & The Result are 2 GENETICALLY DIFFERENT HAPLOID cells
